Scaling our Impact
In 2022, we’ll further apply the capabilities of our platform and the respective expertise of Dutonians to drive positive change in the world around us.
- We’ll launch Impact Labs, to help Time-Critical Health partners more effectively deliver on their missions, and design a long-term strategy to guide our Just & Equitable Communities investments.
- We’ll offer new Impact Pricing to make it easier for nonprofits to access mission-critical technology and create a customer advisory council to provide insight on the impact of PagerDuty’s product.
- We’ll grow our Technical Pro Bono Program and introduce Customer Health Checks to further deploy Dutonian’s expertise to support nonprofit organizations.
- We’ll make our first climate commitments and continue to report on our existing approach and priority topics.
- We’ll launch our Paving the Road for Inclusive Spaces of Meaning (PRISM) program to further embed equity across business operations, increase a sense of belonging through our inclusion index, and shape an inclusive culture.